Liposuction is a technique for reduction of excessive subcutaneous fat (sometimes called lipodystrophy) that is resistant to diet and exercise.
about liposuction

Liposuction (body contouring) – Liposuction is a procedure that was first introduced in the United States in 1980. This coincided with the time that Dr. Handel went into practice. He immediately adopted liposuction into his practice and has been performing it ever since. This makes him one of America’s most experienced liposuction surgeons.
Liposuction is a technique for reduction of excessive subcutaneous fat (sometimes called lipodystrophy) that is resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a substitute for “weight loss” and is generally not applicable to patients who have extreme obesity. However, there are many patients who either are not overweight or are close to their ideal body weight who have diet and exercise resistant pockets of fatty tissue. In women, the typical areas of lipodystrophy include the abdomen, the hip roll or “muffin top” area, the saddlebags, the inner and outer thighs, the back and the arms. In men, we often see excessive accumulations of subcutaneous fat in the neck area, in the breasts (gynecomastia), the abdomen and the love handles. All of these areas are quite amenable to improvement using liposuction.
The principles of liposuction are relatively simple. A hollow tube (known as a cannula) is inserted beneath the skin through a tiny puncture incision. Suction along with mechanical vibration is used to remove the excessive fatty tissue. The technique that Dr. Handel prefers is the MicroAire PAL (power-assisted liposuction) technique that combines both vacuum suction and mechanical oscillation to more efficiently remove fat. After trying all of the different modalities, including laser-assisted liposuction and ultrasonic liposuction, Dr. Handel has concluded that the MicroAire PAL system is the most efficient, safest and most effective means for patients to achieve their desired result.
Liposuction is typically performed using the “tumescent technique.” This means that the tissues are first infiltrated with dilute local anesthetic solution, including adrenaline, to reduce bleeding. After waiting several moments, liposuction is initiated. By using the tumescent technique with infiltration of dilute local anesthetic, we can much more efficiently remove fat and greatly reduce blood loss. In fact, most patients lose little, if any, blood during the entire procedure.
Liposuction is performed under general anesthesia in an accredited ambulatory surgical facility. The anesthetic will be provided by a board certified physician-anesthesiologist experienced in outpatient procedures. After liposuction, patients are placed in garments or elastic supports to provide compression to the areas of surgery. These are continuously worn for at least two to four weeks after surgery. Most patients are comfortable after the operation, although there can be “soreness” which subsides over several days. Patients are up and around within a day or two after the operation but for a period of four to six weeks after surgery, must refrain from vigorous physical activities, aerobic exercise, contact sports or other activities, which may cause injury to their soft tissues.
Liposuction is one of the most effective, successful and popular procedures currently performed in the United States. Patient satisfaction rates are extremely high and the risks of complications are extremely low. During your consultation, Dr. Handel and his staff will be happy to discuss all aspects of liposuction, including the anticipated results, the postoperative convalescence and the potential risks and complications.

Before & After images of Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery