Before & After Gallery

This 42 year old woman complained of a heavy neck with loss of jaw line definition. She underwent corrective surgery through a short submental incision consisting of submental lipectomy, removing excessive subcutaneous fat and platysmaplasty to tighten the underlying muscle. Her postoperative result is seen six months after the corrective surgery.
This 51 year old woman complains of excessively full neck, loss of jaw line definition, deepening of the nasolabial folds and overall “facial aging.” She is seen one year after cervicofacial rhytidectomy (face-lift) in conjunction with submental lipectomy and SMAS tightening.

This 58 year old woman complains of bags of the lower eyelids, hooding of the upper eyelids, laxity of the skin of the face and loss of jaw line and neck definition. She underwent bilateral upper and lower lid blepharoplasty in conjunction with cervicofacial rhytidectomy (face-lift), including platysmaplasty and SMAS flap development. Her postoperative result is shown nine months after the cosmetic surgery.
This 64 year old man presented to Dr. Handel with concerns about aging changes of the face, especially deepening of the smile lines (nasal labial folds), jowl formation and laxity of the neck skin with neck bands (platysma bands). He underwent a face and neck lift and is shown 3 months after surgery.