Before & After Gallery

This 43 year old woman had her breast implants inserted several years previously and over time, noticed that she was developing the “double bubble” deformity on the left side. Her implants were in the subpectoral position. The corrective surgery consisted of a capsuloplasty to raise the fold on the left side, removal of her implants, conversion to a new subglandular pocket on both sides and insertion of a new pair of 250 cc Moderate Profile Plus silicone gel filled breast implants. The patient’s postoperative result at nine months shows that the double bubble has been corrected completely and her breasts are much more symmetrical with a much better overall aesthetic appearance.
This 32 year old woman had breast implants inserted approximately six months before she presented with bilateral double bubble deformity, worse on the left side than on the right side. The patient stated that ever since her original surgery, she noticed that she had the abnormal configuration of the inferior pole of her breasts. The patient’s 300 cc silicone gel filled breast implants were removed from the subpectoral position, a capsuloplasty was performed to correct the abnormally low fold and the same implants were inserted in the subglandular position. Her result is seen at four months with complete resolution of the double bubble deformity and much better symmetry.

This 36 year old body builder had a breast uplift (mastopexy) with breast augmentation performed by another plastic surgeon. The patient was dissatisfied with the appearance of her breasts due to the severe double bubble deformity on the right side as well as flattening or blunting of the inferior pole of both breasts. The corrective surgery consisted of removal of submuscular saline implants, capsulorrhaphy on the right side, revision of her mastopexy bilateral and insertion of a new pair of 250 cc Moderate Profile Plus silicone gel filled breast implants. Her postoperative result is depicted three months after the corrective surgery.
This 31 year old patient had placement of silicone gel filled breast implants in the subpectoral position approximately two months before presenting for corrective surgery. On examination, she had an obvious double bubble deformity with a readily apparent inframammary scar on the anterior aspect of her breast. The patient underwent removal of her 300 cc smooth silicone gel filled breast implants, reattachment of the pectoralis major muscle to the chest wall, creation of a virgin submammary pocket and reinsertion of the same breast implants. Her postoperative result is shown at one year with complete correction of the double bubble deformity and much better positioning of the scar.

This 29 year old woman has a subtle double bubble deformity of the right breast and her corrective surgery consisted of removal and replacement of her implants in conjunction with capsuloplasty and conversion from subpectoral to subglandular pockets. She has 325 cc Moderate Profile Plus round silicone gel filled breast implants.